Anthony J. Carothers
More About
Anthony John Carothers is a 28-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department. Last assignment served as Commander and Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief of Area Central, Bureau of Patrol.
During his past service, Commander Carothers has served in the following capacities:
District Commander of the 007th Police District (Englewood Community) and commanded 300 hundred sworn officers and civilian employees
Commanding Officer, Lieutenant of Violent Crimes, Area Two Detective Division
Tactical Lieutenant, 002nd District (Wentworth Community)
Field Lieutenant, 008th District (Chicago Lawn Community)
Supervising Sergeant of Human Resources Background Investigators
Supervising Sergeant, Area One Detective Division
Supervising Sergeant, Public Housing South
Detective, Background Investigator, Human Resources
Homicide Detective, Area Four Detective Division
Homicide Detective, Area Five Detective Division
Police Officer, Intelligence Section, Organized Crime Division
Tactical Officer, 011th District (Harrison Community)
Police Officer, Gun Task Force West
Security Specialist
Police Officer, 013th District (Wood Street Community)
Anthony Carothers is a graduate of Calumet College, School of St. Joseph, where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Law Enforcement Management in 1999.
In 2001, Anthony Carothers received his Master of Science Degree in the field of Human Services Administration with Honors from the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies.
In the year 2002, Commander Carothers became an adjunct Instructor for Calumet College, School of St. Joseph. In 2013, retired Commander Carothers was hired as an adjunct Instructor for Northwestern Business College.
Since retirement, Anthony Carothers has written multiple published Op-eds relative to cigarette menthol bans from the perspective of law enforcement officers.